Sometimes, while I sit here at my “desk”, which is really a piano bench, and I look at the toys on the floor (see picture), and hear the kids playing in the background, I wonder, “Is this worth it? Are we really helping anyone?” But then I look at the chaos of what has become the therapeutic hydrogen industry in America. I look at how amazing the research is and how fast it is growing and I think about all the awesome ways we have seen hydrogen help people through the years. I think about how big hydrogen therapy is in other countries (source) and how beautiful this thing could be if we really got it right. It gives me chills when I think of all the people that hydrogen can impact if it really was able to reach the masses.
And that perspective always leads me to this conclusion: no matter where you find yourself in the therapeutic hydrogen industry, we can help you. This article is written to make sense of the H2 world and all of its key components, and how what we do (H2Hubb and H2Minutes) serves to be a bridge between each component.
For hydrogen to become a big thing here in the U.S. it needs to be understood, respected, and accepted. If not it will go down as another health fad that comes and goes and doesn’t ever make the impact that it possibly can. Some things are worth being just a health fad. But if you know anything about hydrogen, it is way too good to fall into that category.
For example, last year we did a video series on H2Minutes about the Top 10 causes of death in the U.S. and how H2 could potentially benefit each one. And sure enough, we found ample evidence that H2 could benefit every single cause in multiple ways. Imagine what kind of impact that would have on our society as a whole if H2 were to really reach the entire country. (Check out that series here)
That being said, how do we get there? Allow me, if you will, to state my case. My case is that what we do is what the hydrogen industry desperately needs. The H2 industry is made up of 5 groups: science/research, manufacturers/products, companies/market, distributors/sellers, and consumers/buyers. We are confident that we cannot only act as a bridge that connects each of these groups, but we desire to function in that role.
So let’s break down each of these and examine how we can assist each specific need. I’m going to make each group it’s own blog post so that there is ample room to give each the attention they deserve, and so that you don’t have to read this article for the next 3 hours. Stay tuned to learn about the first group, and the bedrock and foundation of the whole industry: Science and Research.