Dr. Perricone

Hydrogen Water
Description :
Prepackaged Hydrogen WaterH2HUBB Test Results: H2 Concentration = 1.50 mg/L (ppm)
For the past 30 years, Dr. Nicholas Perricone has conducted extensive research in supporting the body’s healthy functioning to reduce the appearance of the signs of aging. Nothing has excited him more than the discovery of the efficacy of hydrogen water in supporting healthy aging. When ingested on a daily basis, this tiny molecule is transformational, and Dr. Perricone believes that it marks a revolutionary milestone in total health and well-being.
- 4 Pack: 8.3 oz cans: $12.00
- 30 Pack: 8.3 oz cans: $90
- Contains 1.5~1.6 ppm of dissolved H2.
- 2 years shelf life
- Top of line premium packaging
- Infuses therapeutic concentrations of molecular hydrogen in highly purified natural water
- Easy and convenient