


Description :
Hydrogen Water Test Reagent

H2 Sciences Inc., a US corporation located in Henderson, NV, manufactures and distributes the H2Blue hydrogen test reagent, a simple and reliable method for measuring the dissolved hydrogen concentration in hydrogen-infused water. H2 Sciences Inc. also offers engineering, sales, and marketing consulting services to hydrogen water companies. These services include: performance evaluation/certification of hydrogen water devices; training for distributors and service representatives; writing/verifying the technical content contained on websites, marketing brochures and product technical manuals.

Contact H2Sciences Inc. for inquiries concerning whole sale pricing or to become a distributor of H2Blue.

With H2Blue you can:

  • Measure the Concentration of Dissolved Hydrogen Gas (H2) in mg/L (parts per million / ppm)
  • Measure Dissolved Hydrogen Gas in Water Produced by a Variety of H2-Water-Generating Technologies including:
    • Water Ionizers
    • Hydrogen Infusion Machines (HIM’s)
    • H2 Tablets
    • Mg Sticks
    • H2 Bubblers
    • H2 Reactor Cartridges
    • etc
  • Insure that your H2 Device is Operating at Peak Performance by Measuring and Monitoring the Level of Dissolved Hydrogen Gas in the Water
  • Accurately Test H2 Water in the pH Range of 4 – 9.5

Resources Offered by H2Sciences Inc: