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What is Kangen Water?

There has been much confusion and misinformation about Kangen Water over the years. So much that 17 years after the company Enagic founded its first US-based location [1] thousands of people are still asking this question online.  Here at H2HUBB, we are all about bringing order to the chaos of the hydrogen industry and answering […]

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The Ideal Hydrogen Water System

Over the past year, I have been addressing this question: “What is the ideal hydrogen water system?” a ton via email with clients and it always involves certain criteria or parameters by which I make my judgments. I figured it is time to share my thoughts with the world and openly discuss my opinion of […]

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Molecular Hydrogen Effects on Inflammation

During the past week of scouring through my molecular hydrogen database, I ran across an interesting topic. It is interesting because most people are acquainted with it and deal with it daily but might not know much about in depth. The topic is inflammation. Nowadays inflammation gets a bad rap due to the fact it’s […]

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The Effect Of Hydrogen Water on Chronic Pain

Molecular hydrogen (hydrogen infused water, hydrogen inhalation), which is a novel medical gas and therapeutic bio-medical agent, has been demonstrated to have therapeutic potential for pain management and the ability to reduce chronic pain. Molecular hydrogen is appearing to accomplish this in a number of ways.  Here are a few of the ways science is […]

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Molecular Hydrogen Water Can Increase Your Energy

Many people in the US suffer from fatigue or lack of energy.  According to the CDC, at least 1 million individuals in the United States have chronic fatigue syndrome and only 20% are actually diagnosed [1]. They even estimated the annual cost surrounding CFS or fatigue in the US is between $18-51 billion [2]. CFS and […]

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Hydrogen Water Technologies

The excitement surrounding molecular hydrogen/hydrogen water and its medical/scientific research is full-blown in Asia (Japan, Korea, China). Since in 2010, the hydrogen industry (relating to hydrogen products or hydrogen water devices) was a zero-dollar industry. Now in 2017, this industry is estimated to be close to $1 billion. 1 The hydrogen industry has absolutely exploded in the […]

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Molecular Hydrogen Has Promising Anti-Cancer Effects

Cancer is rampant in the United States. The CDC states that 1.5 million individuals are diagnosed with cancer each year and is projected to be 2 million by 2020. [1] Cancer is an extraordinarily complex and irregular group of related diseases. 2 There are more than 100 types of cancer, which makes the subject of cancer and […]

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Health Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen!

Molecular hydrogen is a medical gas that has been the subject of medical research for longer than you may have thought.    The first publication linking molecular hydrogen and medicinal properties dates to 1798. 1 Nearly 100 years later, in 1888, there was another publication, The Annals of Surgery, that referenced Dr. Nicolas Senn, who […]

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What Is Hydrogen-Rich Water?

Hydrogen-Rich Water is a new buzzword floating around the health and wellness community. It can be confusing at first because it begs the question; isn’t hydrogen already in water? The answer to that question is YES. All water molecules are made up of hydrogen and oxygen (H2O). However, the hydrogen atoms comprising the water molecule […]

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