In our article “What is Kangen Water?” we mentioned that if you have purchased an Enagic Kangen Water System and are not in the market of purchasing another hydrogen water system that you should consider our professional opinion and review our tips to optimize your Kangen water system for dissolved molecular hydrogen. As stated in the previous article molecular hydrogen is the key or therapeutic agent in ionized water and this includes Kangen Water. Firstly, it’s best to purchase a titration reagent called H2Blue. H2Blue will allow you to measure the dissolved hydrogen concentration of your water. Secondly, watch the H2Minute video on H2Blue on how to properly test H2 water with the reagent. It’s best to test your Kangen Water device every two weeks or monthly to ensure your device is dissolving hydrogen gas into the water.
Part 1: Testing with H2Blue!
Part 2: Testing with H2Blue!
Here are some tips we encourage if you own an Enagic Kangen Water System for ensuring the best possible chances of maximizing the dissolved H2 concentration. If you follow these tips the device may produce 0.8 mg/L or above.
Basic tips and areas to pursue:
Purchase H2Blue test reagent to measure the dissolved hydrogen (DH) in your water, if you haven’t already.
- Purchase Page for H2Blue: CLICK HERE
- This is very important, many individuals have no idea what the H2 concentration is of their water. Everyone needs to verify that their water ionizers or H2 water generators are producing therapeutic concentrations of DH in their water (0.8~1.0+ mg/L (ppm)).
Test your TDS of your source water to ensure it’s above 80~100 TDS.
- This can be done with a cheap TDS/EC meter purchased from Amazon (CLICK HERE)
- If the desired mg/L (ppm) of dissolved H2 was achieved (e.g 0.8 mg/L (ppm)) it is still important to own a TDS/EC meter as it will tell you whether you have soft or hard water. Knowing this will help with figuring out the appropriate cleaning schedule (weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly).
- It’s critical to ensure your source water has adequate TDS levels so that the process of electrolysis is efficient. Apart from efficient electrolysis, the unit will not be able to produce and dissolved hydrogen gas effectively.
Consume the water on the highest drinking water setting.
- It’s best to consume the water on the highest drinking water setting (9.5 pH). This setting will have the highest applied voltage and subsequent amperage at the electrolytic cell, meaning it will have the highest H2 production. For instance, the SD501 on the 9.5 setting uses 12.4V/5.36 amps at its electrolytic cell, this means that if the dispensing flow rate was 2 Liters/min and the device water cell operated at 80% efficacy the device would be capable to produce 1.34 mg/L (ppm) if all the H2 gas generated dissolved into solution. Unfortunately, due to several reasons or limitations, these units generally dissolve about 15~30% of the gas that is generated depending on the water flow rate (e.g 2L/min) and scaling of the electrodes. This is why it’s important to drink the water on the highest drinking water setting (9.5 pH). It will give you the best chances of getting the highest dissolved hydrogen concentration.
- Do not drink the water on the Strong Water setting (sometimes referred to as 11.5 pH) it is not recommended due to the electrolysis enhancer solution.
- It’s best to consume the water on the highest drinking water setting (9.5 pH). This setting will have the highest applied voltage and subsequent amperage at the electrolytic cell, meaning it will have the highest H2 production. For instance, the SD501 on the 9.5 setting uses 12.4V/5.36 amps at its electrolytic cell, this means that if the dispensing flow rate was 2 Liters/min and the device water cell operated at 80% efficacy the device would be capable to produce 1.34 mg/L (ppm) if all the H2 gas generated dissolved into solution. Unfortunately, due to several reasons or limitations, these units generally dissolve about 15~30% of the gas that is generated depending on the water flow rate (e.g 2L/min) and scaling of the electrodes. This is why it’s important to drink the water on the highest drinking water setting (9.5 pH). It will give you the best chances of getting the highest dissolved hydrogen concentration.
Clean your device regularly
- This is very important to ensure the electrodes within the device are clean, even a microscopic layer of scaling can inhibit hydrogen gas nano-bubbles from dissolving into the water properly, drastically decreasing the therapeutic potential of your water.
- The K8 unit makes this significantly easier than Enagic’s previous models because it has a built-in pump and circulation system allowing you to pump a citric acid or vinegar solution over the plates (electrodes) for 4 hours. Running this deep clean every week will ensure the maximum dissolved H2 level can be achieved by the device.
- Running the device on “Beauty” mode for 10~30 secs after getting water from the system will also help to keep the device clean. This is because on Beauty mode, the system will reverse the polarity at the electrodes. This will repeal divalent ions such as calcium (Ca2+) or mineral compounds (calcium carbonate) away from the “migration region” of the electrodes aiding to effectively reduce scaling. Mineral ions such as calcium dissolves in water at an acidic pH (<7 pH) and precipitates out of solution at an alkaline pH (>7pH). Knowing this fact can help you with proper maintenance of the system to optimize the device for dissolved molecular hydrogen.
Tweak your dispensing flow rate to find the sweet spot.
- All water ionizers have a sweet spot on its dispensing flow rate which will dissolve the most hydrogen gas. This is where the dispensing flow rate of the water is not flowing too fast (not allowing H2 bubbles time to properly dissolve) or too slow (allows time for the H2 bubbles to coalesce and become too big). It’s best to use H2Blue to find the sweet spot within the dispensing flow rate of your device. Once you know, then all you have to do is drink the water at that flow rate and you know you’re maximizing the H2 concentration of the water.
These are just a few tips that should help you improve or maintain good DH levels within your water. We at H2HUBB want to help people regardless if they purchased a product that may be sub-par in the only critical aspect of the water, molecular hydrogen. We want to do this by helping them with an understanding of the topic and what they purchased. Then secondly, by helping them through the process of up keeping their unit or tweaking it for better performance if possible or returning their device and finding a suitable product for their price range that provides high mg/L (ppm) H2 water (1.6~4.0+ mg/L). Regardless, the object for any individual whether you own a Kangen Water unit, alkaline water ionizer, or HIM (hydrogen infusion machine) unit is to ingest therapeutic levels of molecular hydrogen that is being used in human clinical studies (which are providing statistical improvements in many disease models), which is 1~15 mg of H2 per day via water. So it’s best to decide your approach then access how to ingest as much H2 as you can per day via water. We can help you with that and the math that is involved. Either way, we want to you get the most of whichever unit you have, including Kangen Water machines.