Picture of Kayla Hubbard
Kayla has been behind the scenes for most of this H2 journey. Other than raising her 3 boys, she works closely with Tywon on all H2Hubb matters, including website, video, and social media. She also writes and edits for the H2Minutes videos. Her articles are more of an opinion-based commentary on the hydrogen industry and marketplace based on various experiences over the past 5 years. She tries to address topics and provide perspective to questions that would otherwise be unknown.

The Bridge: Science/Research

In my last article, I made my case for why H2Hubb and H2Minutes strive to be the BRIDGE between the entire H2 industry. The therapeutic hydrogen industry is made up, in my opinion, of 5 groups. The first one, in which I will focus on in this article, is the foundation. It is what holds this industry together and what separates hydrogen from all the rest. 

The H2 industry would be nothing without the backbone of the science and research that supports it. It was the research that distinguished molecular hydrogen from alkaline water and ionized water. It was the research that pushed the technology to focus on hydrogen gas. It was the research that raised the bar for what to strive for when ingesting hydrogen gas. Without the research, we would all still be drinking alkaline water with little to no dissolved hydrogen. Without the research, portable hydrogen water devices or hydrogen-producing tablets would not be a thing. Without the research, we would not see hydrogen inhalation be such a popular trend as of late.

So what can we offer to those in the field of the research of therapeutic hydrogen gas? Well, the reality is that most people simply don’t understand scientific studies. Most people also do not even know how to find legitimate research, or much less even desire to look for it. We understand that the information expressed by the science and research needs to reach the masses, not just to people that are specifically looking for it. 

Not only can we make the research more available and understandable for the consumers who are looking to buy hydrogen products and understand the benefits, but we can also help the sellers and distributors of the products know how to incorporate legitimate hydrogen research into their business and marketing. Having the science and research at the front of the industry brings legitimacy to the hydrogen market. Eventually, people will be able to tell the difference between hydrogen and so many other “fads” that say “backed by science” but don’t really provide the evidence. 

Being a bridge to the research also has value for the product development and acquisition portion of the industry. If the research is suggesting you need to ingest a certain amount of hydrogen gas per day to be therapeutic, then it would be best to have a product that helps you achieve that. If the research is suggesting that to breathe hydrogen gas it needs to be at a high enough concentration and flow rate to provide benefits, then the product needs to be able to perform at that level or above. We have seen the research grow and change the nature of hydrogen products throughout the last five years. However, there are still many products out there who don’t refer to the science in their product development and marketing, and this is unfortunate. Not only because it can taint the industry and create distrust in anything under the umbrella of molecular hydrogen, but it is also harmful to the consumers that are buying something that does not live up to its marketing hype.

What is the point of all of this new and amazing research about H2 if the industry that pushes it to the people does not know about it, nor how to read it and use it? But the truth is, it’s hard. Who wants to wade through over 1200 publications to make sure you are up to date on the latest hydrogen information? That’s where we come in. We have videos, articles, and webpages, all dedicated to bringing the science to the level of the reader. We try to cover every ground so that people can get their questions answered in a simple way, without sacrificing the accuracy of the science. 

At this point in the hydrogen gas industry, the biomedical research is still in its infancy. I know, I know. 1200 publications on molecular hydrogen do not seem like something that is still in the beginning stages. But there is still so much more that we need to know and work that needs to be done. In fact, that is one of the biggest criticisms about H2 is that there isn’t enough research, or that the research isn’t compelling enough. And while I disagree with the compelling part, it is true that we need more research. But the tricky part about the hydrogen industry is that no matter what the research looks like, people are out there looking for, buying, and selling hydrogen products. We have to take what research we do have and let it press upon the industry. And when more research comes, and believe me it will come, we can take that information and adjust. But we simply cannot wait until the research becomes what the skeptics want it to be before we acknowledge the potential of molecular hydrogen for therapeutic purposes. 

So until then, we will let the research we have RIGHT NOW impress on us. Nothing more and nothing less. We will take caution. We will say “potentially” and “appears” and “maybe”. But we will not let those who do not care about the research or being accurate, take over this small industry. And to do that, the research must first impress on the next group: manufactures and products.

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