Hydrogen vs. Inflammation (Video Script)

Quick! Call the authorities! You are under attack! There may be something attacking your joints and tissues and practically every part of your body! What are you going to do about it? I know! Let’s learn about it! Ok so who has never heard of inflammation? Inflammation is the infamous...

The History of Hydrogen (Video Script)

Get your time machines ready because today we are going back in time to learn the history of hydrogen gas, on this episode of H2Minutes. There’s a lot to say on this topic, so we are going to focus on how H2 came to be known as a medical gas....

The Secret Benefit of FIBER (Video Script)

Shhhh...I have a secret! Do you want me to tell you? There is something about fiber that you may not know.  I’m willing to share this special secret with you, on this episode of H2Minutes. People have been including fiber in their diets for years because of the health benefits...

The Bridge: Companies/Market

The therapeutic hydrogen industry is small, new, and complicated. I’m trying to simplify it some by breaking down the industry into 5 key groups. We (H2Hubb) are confident that we exist to sit in the middle of those groups and bridge them together. We already looked at how we can...

The Bridge: Manufacturers/Products

Now that you know how we (H2Hubb/H2Minutes) can be a bridge for the science and research piece of the hydrogen industry, let’s move on to the next group. The next group gives the first group a vehicle to move through. We have all this wonderful research being done and science is discovering...

The Bridge: Science/Research

In my last article, I made my case for why H2Hubb and H2Minutes strive to be the BRIDGE between the entire H2 industry. The therapeutic hydrogen industry is made up, in my opinion, of 5 groups. The first one, in which I will focus on in this article, is the...

Looking for a Hydrogen Water Product?

So I’m assuming if you clicked on this article you have already learned all you need to know to at least be interested in buying a hydrogen water product. Or maybe you already have one and are just reading for fun or because you have vested interest in the therapeutic...