Now that you know how we (H2Hubb/H2Minutes) can be a bridge for the science and research piece of the hydrogen industry, let’s move on to the next group. The next group gives the first group a vehicle to move through. We have all this wonderful research being done and science is discovering so much about hydrogen gas that it really is amazing to watch it all unfold. But the thing with H2 is that is doesn’t just come in a perfect little package easily available for consumption. There has to be a technology in place to direct the hydrogen molecules to where we need them to be. This has to happen to even come close to receiving any sort of benefit that resembles what the research is observing.
Have you ever tried to make your own hydrogen water, with therapeutic levels of dissolved H2? Good luck. If you tried, you would run into all sorts of hiccups. And if you succeeded, it would hardly be sustainable and definitely not convenient. What about hydrogen gas for breathing? That is as well a complicated process and I would definitely not recommend working with a combustible gas if you don’t know what you’re doing.
We need technology that can access the capacity to produce hydrogen that already exists in water molecules, navigate it in a new direction that allows for hydrogen molecules to form and make their way into (or onto) a living thing. That was a very complicated way of saying that we need hydrogen products! We need products so that we can access these benefits that the science is telling us about.
And we need people who know what they are doing to make these products. But, let me tell you, that is a process. I am not an engineer, but I do know enough to know that there are MANY details involved in inventing and manufacturing products, especially products for such a young industry such as therapeutic hydrogen gas. And I know that it should take a team of many people to make a good, long-lasting, effective H2 product.
That’s where we come in. One of the things we do for H2Hubb is test products. We examine the product’s performance, quality, efficacy, longevity, and safety. We do stress tests to see if there is a limit to the performance of the product. We literally try to get it to fail and then see where that failure is. We want to know as much as we can know before recommending someone to buy the product.
Let’s be real. I don’t do the testing. So my writing about this subject will only go so far. If you want to know more details about our testing, you can hit up my hubby, Tywon, and believe me he will give you all the boring exciting details. There is a learning curve when it comes to testing hydrogen products. It’s not a common skill as it is not a common area of expertise. So, it helps to have products tested by someone who has done it before…a lot. We also have our basic standards listed on our site, as well as product scores and performance rankings. If you would like to see a basic test report of any of our recommended products we can send that to you upon request.
So back to why it is important. In being a bridge between the science/research and manufacturers/products, we can take what we know and apply it to the testing of products. Many times manufacturers are absolutely in tune with what is going on with the research department of the industry, and they develop their products accordingly. But other times…not so much. I can’t tell you how many times we have been sent a product claiming to perform at a certain level, but upon testing …nope. Now sometimes it is not a manufacturing problem, it is a marketing problem. But that is for a later article. Up until now, people could put out any product with the “hydrogen water” label and people would buy it. But as the industry is growing, people are more and more aware of the research and what products need to be able to do. There is still much to be done, but it’s safe to say that hydrogen gas consumers are getting much more picky and aware of what they’re buying.
We try to push the envelope when it comes to our performance standards. If the research suggests that humans should ingest 0.5-3.0 milligrams of H2 via water/liquid each day, then H2Hubb WILL NOT recommend a product if it cannot provide that amount or more of H2 in a REASONABLE amount of water. If you have to drink 2 gallons of water each day to ingest 0.8 milligrams of hydrogen gas from a particular product, then sorry, we do not want people to buy your product. It does not correlate with the research. The same goes for hydrogen gas inhalation. If a product cannot provide hydrogen gas at levels compatible with what the research says is therapeutic, then we cannot suggest that anyone spend their money on that device. For the good of the H2 industry, and everyone involved, we have to stick to the research when it comes to products, or else this whole thing will be laughable to everyone on the outside.
With that being said, there still are many products out there that are just that. Laughable. By working on an in-depth level with products, we want to help raise the bar and to create some accountability in this industry by letting the standard be known far and wide. We need products that will do molecular hydrogen justice! And we need products that will do right by the people buying them. Something this industry is in desperate need of.
Through our 5 years in the therapeutic hydrogen industry, we have seen many products. We have seen products fail and products succeed. We have seen manufacturing error and user error. We have seen what customers love about hydrogen products, and what they don’t like. We have seen what people like and dislike, and we have seen what sells and what doesn’t. Given that experience, we can be a great asset to the work of H2 product development. We can give a fresh perspective on a product that might not be obvious. We can give a glimpse into the mind of the average consumer, and maybe even the not-so-average consumer. Think about it this way, who wants to go through all this work of developing a product and getting it to the point or selling, just to find out that people don’t like it? I know I wouldn’t. Let us help you.
We have also learned in our time in the H2 world that not all problems are product problems. Sometimes (many times), it’s user error. Now don’t misunderstand me here, it’s usually due to a lack of understanding rather than intellectual ability. Because every product is unique, they all have different ways to use them. Whether it’s the maintenance, what kind of water to use, or how to get the most H2 with it, there are specifics to each product that are vital to how well it performs. Countless times have we have heard complaints about products, when the reality is, no one told them how to use it correctly. But, that is not the product’s fault.
We love to assist this process by coming alongside the manufacture, company, and customer to help explain the best way to use a product so that all parties can get the most from the technology. I can’t even begin to fathom how much money has been spent on repairing or replacing hydrogen products because of how they were used. And I’m sure there is a crazy number of old hydrogen water machines out there in people’s basements that don’t produce dissolved hydrogen anymore, either because of user error or because the product was not good at it in the first place. I can only imagine how many have written off hydrogen therapy because of all of these issues. Let’s learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others and work to cultivate this industry into a legitimate and intelligent industry rather than a questionable and cautionary one.
Not only can we be a benefit on the product front, but, by educating the consumer on the benefits of hydrogen gas in general, they will be more inclined to understand the benefits of hydrogen products. The education we do through H2Minutes and H2Hubb plays a big role in people wanting to buy hydrogen products. The more people understand the benefits, the more they will want to buy. Our goal is to get more and more people to understand what H2 is and why it is beneficial, and help to get more and more legitimate products in the limelight, and in doing so, we can weed out the illegitimate products.
Just as the manufacturers and products are the vehicle by which the science and research can travel, these products also need a vehicle in the form of a marketplace. Manufacturers who engineer hydrogen products are not usually the ones pushing them out into the public. Let’s let them focus on developing wonderful hydrogen products for us and let the companies and marketplace get them to the public. And that is exactly what we will be discussing in the next article.
One response to “The Bridge: Manufacturers/Products”
Great article Kayla, totally true. My partner Moshe and I have really been blessed to have you and Tywon in our lives. We have the Trusii ProElite for about two years now, from Tywon’s recommendations, and we just love it. Yes, we are really sorry that the company is having problems from some kind of internal strife. But we love our machine.
So this work you and Tywon are doing is absolutely essential for this H2 Health Miracle to spread and become an everyday part of everyone’s health regimen.
Keep up this great work. Thank you.