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QLife Today: Q-Cup MAX

Hydrogen Water System

Portable H2 Water Generator (PEM/SPE)
$ 233
Shipping not included
Special Discount
Qlife QCup max

Level 3 H2 water

H2HUBB Tested mg/L Concentration
4.42 mg/L For more info view H2HUBB report


Qlife is offering a SPECIAL DEAL for the QCup Max hydrogen water bottle through H2HUBB. H2HUBB clients who purchase the QCup Max using the code H2Hubb10 will receive 10% off the product. 

Q-Life: Q-Cup Touch

QLife Q-cup

Hydrogen water bottle that can provide a therapeutic dose of hydrogen! Sleek and compact design for hydrogen-rich water on the go! Get your hydrogen water bottle today!

Overall H2HUBB Star Rating:



The Q-Cup Touch is a solid portable with a good design. We love its simplistic functionality and how responsive the activation button is. If you are looking for a decent entry-level H2 product to try hydrogen therapy for the first time, this is an excellent choice!

Note: Shipping is not included. 

Micro Research Institution Inc: Q-Life

Company Mission:

We want to change the world by helping people enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. In 2017, Qlife brought to the world’s smallest and lightest hydrogen rich water ionizer to encourage healthier living and to encourage everyone to be a part of the Qlife lifestyle concept. We believe that everyone should enjoy products that improve the quality of life.


Q-Cup MAX: High-Concentrated Portable Hydrogen Water Generator (PEM/SPE)

Price: $259.00 USD
H2HUBB Discount Price: $233.10 USD

Warranty: 1 year limited warranty

Go to the Q-Life website to purchase your Q-Cup Touch today!

Go to the Q-Life website to purchase your Q-Cup MAX today!

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