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Hydrogen Water Bottle

High Concentrated H2 Water Bottle
$ 106
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Aquela 8.0 Hydrogen Water

Level 4 H2 water

H2HUBB Tested mg/L Concentration
8.70 mg/L For more info view H2HUBB report
aquela 8.0

Aquela 8.0 is a clinically tested hydrogen water product that can create super saturated water at home!

Ingested H2 milligram rating:



We are thrilled to bring this product into the hands of people in the U.S. for the first time. We’ve been able to test this product at dissolved H2 concentrations we’ve never tested before! It is so simple to use and delivers clinically significant H2 levels. You can even use it with tea! One of our favorite things about this product is that it has been used in many clinical studies, and has tons of lab tests and certifications to back it up!


Aquela 8.0 is back in stock!

Note: Shipping is not included. 

Aquela Global Trading & Marketing Limited 

Company Mission:

In 2007, Ecomo International launched Aquela Blue, which was the world’s first neutral pH, saturated hydrogen water server. This significant breakthrough was the culmination of our early efforts to achieve the safety and quality sought by researchers and clinical physicians in their endeavor to evaluate the potential benefits of hydrogen water.

A dose-dependent response is observed in the effect of any medicine. We were among the first to recognize its importance in the clinical application of hydrogen water. This led to the development of Aquela 7.0, which could generate pure hydrogen gas and produce 7 ppm super-saturated hydrogen water without affecting the pH and taste of water. We sold 26 million units of Aquela 7.0 in Japan between 2012 and 2017. Meanwhile, we participated in clinical studies on the potential benefits of molecular hydrogen and some of the results have been published in peer-reviewed international medical journals. (1,23).

In 2018 with an aim to manufacture Aquela 8.0 in the United Kingdom and distribute it throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. Aquela 8.0 produces record-breaking 8 ppm super-saturated hydrogen water (PCT application in January 2018). This is of course without affecting the pH and taste of water.  Brand new Aquela 8.0 is manufactured at the state-of-the-art GMP facility. GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practice and are the practices required to conform to the guidelines for the manufacturing and sales of pharmaceutical and supplement products.


Aquela 8.0 & Aquela High-PSI Bottles 

Recommended Price:

Month supply of H2 sachets (30 sachets per package): $125 USD

Aquela High-PSI Bottles (2 bottles per package): Comes with purchase

H2HUBB Discounted Price:

Month supply of H2 sachets (30 sachets per package): $106.25 ($18.75 USD off retail)

Aquela 8.0 ManualDownload

Click the BUY NOW button to purchase your Aquela 8.0 today!

Click the BUY NOW button to purchase your Aquela 8.0 today!

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