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QLife Today: Q-Cup Touch

Hydrogen Water System

Portable H2 Water Generator (PEM/SPE)
$ 251
Shipping not included
Special Discount
Qlife QCup Touch

Level 1 H2 water

H2HUBB Tested mg/L Concentration
1.50 mg/L For more info view H2HUBB report

Q-Life: Q-Cup Touch

QLife Q-cup

Hydrogen water bottle that can provide a therapeutic dose of hydrogen! Sleek and compact design for hydrogen-rich water on the go! Get your hydrogen water bottle today!

Overall H2HUBB Star Rating:



The Q-Cup Touch is a solid portable with a good design. We love its simplistic functionality and how responsive the activation button is. If you are looking for a decent entry-level H2 product to try hydrogen therapy for the first time, this is an excellent choice!

Note: Shipping is not included. 

Micro Research Institution Inc: Q-Life

Company Mission:

We want to change the world by helping people enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. In 2017, Qlife brought to the world’s smallest and lightest hydrogen rich water ionizer to encourage healthier living and to encourage everyone to be a part of the Qlife lifestyle concept. We believe that everyone should enjoy products that improve the quality of life.


Q-Cup Touch : Portable Hydrogen Water Generator (PEM/SPE)

Price: $279.00

Warranty: 1 year limited warranty

Go to the Q-Life website to purchase your Q-Cup Touch today!

Go to the Q-Life website to purchase your Q-Cup Touch today!

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Budget Friendly

The system is competitively priced compared to other popular portable hydrogen water systems on the market.


The system specifically designed to be portable and used on the go or while you travel.

Shorter session time

The system can process or produce hydrogen water in 3.5 mins. Although H2HUBB recommends running the system 3 times in a row for the best results.